Minimal (MNML)

MNML is a dynamic platform designed to connect athletes with alternative brands. The platform allows for efficient monitoring of campaigns, seamless communication, streamlined payments, and comprehensive data analytics to track the entire lifecycle of their relationships.

Project overview

MNML aims to bridge the gap between athletes and alternative brands. Recognizing the need for a streamlined, efficient platform, Starling developed MNML to facilitate seamless interactions. The platform enables athletes to connect with brands, monitor campaign performance, communicate effortlessly, and manage payments. Additionally, MNML offers detailed data analytics to help both athletes and brands make informed decisions, ensuring a transparent and productive relationship.

Team behind Starling

What we did

Developed a robust platform to connect athletes with alternative brands, enabling seamless campaign monitoring, communication, payments, and data analytics.

Campaigns Managed

Athlete Registrations

Brands Connected

Project approach

Our approach focused on creating a user-centric platform that addresses the unique needs of athletes and brands. We conducted thorough research to understand the challenges faced by both parties. Using these insights, we designed and developed a platform with a clean, intuitive interface and robust backend functionality. MNML’s key features include campaign monitoring tools, real-time communication channels, secure payment gateways, and comprehensive analytics dashboards. Our team ensured that MNML is scalable and adaptable to future needs, providing a reliable solution for athletes and brands alike.
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